Our Story



I've experienced numerous deployments during my husband's 23 year Naval career; I know from experience that deployments can be hard, and I also know there has been a lack of tangible, positive and encouraging deployment-based products available to our military families. 

Throughout the years, I've listened to friends and acquaintances comment on how they and/or their children were struggling with a deployment, but I didn't have much to offer beyond an "I'm sorry." My heart hurt for them - particularly when it was children who were struggling - but I was sure someone would eventually do something to help. 

Fast forward to 2018 when we had our first deployment since having children.  I experienced first-hand that there was still a lack of positive and encouraging deployment-based products available, so I decided to do something about my frustrations and I started designing. I started with just one product that I wish my family had available to us during a recent deployment; from there, I started thinking about other items I wish were available to military families, and Homefront Heroes, LLC was created. 




To support and celebrate our families at home, specifically while their loved ones are deployed. We strive to embody pride in our service members AND in our dependants. 




We may be a proud Navy family, but all Homefront Heroes merchandise is custom designed and curated to be suitable for ALL branches of our active duty military, guard, and reserve families.  




Our mission is to support families while their loved ones are deployed ... but unfortunately, not all of our brave men and women return home. Because of this, we felt it was only right to donate a portion of our sales to an organization that helps military families after their loss.

We selected the Gary Sinise Foundation because it offers a variety of incredible programs dedicated to our Veterans and their families - including Relief & Resiliency programs for families of our fallen heroes.  We wish everyone returned home, but since that's not a reality, we're happy to donate funds to an organization that supports families after their loss.   

To learn more about the Gary Sinise Foundation and all of their programs, visit: https://www.garysinisefoundation.org/


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